Our Services
Corporate Facilitation
With all of the changes happening around the world, there is more pressure on organizations and leaders to adapt and support their employees in various ways. The other thing that is happening is that employees are seeking more opportunities for flexibility, growth and meaningful work.
What is needed to support our employees?
How do we stay attuned to what matters?
What are the skills needed to operate at our best?
What training is required to learn or brush up on those skills?
All good questions, right? Well, this is what we are hearing from leaders and organizations. Guess what? We can help!

Leadership Evaluation
What is holding you back?
Are you wondering how others do things that you can’t imagine yourself trying?
Personal development and courage growth.
Women in Leadership
We are starting to see more women moving into leadership roles which is very encouraging.
What are the keys to feeling empowered and ready to lead effectively? Whether you are an aspiring leader or a seasoned one, being equipped with the tools and resources is essential for navigating day-to-day situations and challenges.
Difficult Conversations
How many times have you run into a situation where you felt triggered or gone blank during a difficult conversation?
In that moment, what is happening for you? This is known as the fight, flight or freeze response.
How would you like to be able to respond calmly and confidently next time you are in that type of situation? You can. We can help!
Motivational Speaking
Just when you think you have things all figured out, it hits you! Self-doubt. Disruption. Yet another life-changing event.
It’s in that moment we have a choice to make. Do we wallow in that self-doubt? Do we allow that disruption to erode everything we have worked for? Do we let that life-changing event throw us into a tailspin?
Does any of this resonate? We all have a story and sometimes it takes hearing from someone else who’s been through it, to shake out those disrupters and negative thoughts, for us to move forward and reignite that fire within us!
We have signature talks that can do just that. Ready to book us? Click the button right now and let’s chat!
Push the limits
What is holding you back?
Are you wondering how others do things that you can’t imagine yourself trying?
Personal development and courage growth
You may be interested in this talk if your team is stuck! Lacking motivation and needing to dig deep into their roadblock.
Ask yourself these questions:
Am I willing to be curious?
Am I willing to open myself to the possibilities?
Am I willing to let go of how I think things are supposed to develop and be open to a journey that may not be linear?
Am I ready to change my word patterns from “should” to “could” to “I can”?
Am I ready to let a coach partner with me to create my idea of transformation by opening myself to a process that may unfold differently than I expect it to?
Business Coaching
Partnering with a professional coach with business experience in order to strategically think and work through business ideas and issues; then deliberately implement the crafted vision into a sustainable and successful business.
Women > 40 Coaching
Women today are faced with unprecedented change in almost every aspect of their lives.
Family challenges, relationships, work demands, encompassed within a desire and dream to be something more. It’s a transformation to become someone who is less of the “do” and more of the “be” within their lives.
Women over 40 both know what they bring to the table and what they want to change; however, sometimes the pathway to honour those decisions is rife with unexpected speedbumps.
Note: Coaching Women > 40 can take place as a small intimate group or as an individual. In both scenarios we can create a nurturing and supportive exploration and explosion of transformation, all while honouring yourself for both who you are, and who you want to be.
Leadership Development
A leadership role consists of multifaceted, intertwining, and often conflicting roles.
As a leadership coach, finding the client’s leadership style is the starting point. Together with the leadership coach, you will discuss problem-solving, change management, and strategic succession planning.
As your coach and thought partner we will approach complex issues and moving targets, then work to determine pathways to move through the complexities.
Divorce Coaching
Through divorce coaching the client can transform the overwhelming feelings of panic created by an uncertain and changing future, into a thoughtful, empowered plan based on moving forward.
Topics will include co-parenting without resentment, dating without fear, reinventing oneself without doubt. You will come to understand that self-reliance is possible.
Note, divorce coaching is not therapy but an opportunity to
challenge your preconceptions and create a plan to move forward in your life.