Simply Elucidate

Ever caught yourself running from crisis to crisis with a flare in your step and the knowledge that you’ve got this? A huge sense of accomplishment. Pride in completing a gargantuan number of tasks.   Then to sit down at the end of the day, the exhaustion flirting with you, and silently that feeling of completion drifts away. You find yourself making lists for the next day…

Do you find yourself dreaming about what you would do if you didn’t have so many tasks to complete? Have you considered that perhaps you have created a self-fulling cycle that lacks self-care? Perhaps you are “doing” more than “being”. The question becomes who am I when I’m not “doing”?

 Many people thrive on the idea of conquering everything in their path, but what if all that conquering is just a diversion to what is really in your heart? That moment when you dream of a cool adventure but never get to it? Now imagine what it would feel like to not have that pressure. This is where coaching begins. Push yourself for yourself and feel the rewards that come along with being in your life rather than busily passing the time.

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