As a modern woman, I have heard repetitively that I can make choices. That a choice is just up to me. But is it really that simple? “ahh…no… it’s not that simple…”. But hold on for a moment… what if choice really is simple? What if?
Choices. …. Deep breath… stay with me here.
Choices are the things women talk about over a glass of wine with close friends. We share the head nod, the grimace, the wistful look. Then the head shake. We convince ourselves that choices are for others. We jealously see others do things we would only dream of then wonder if we could do the same. Then we talk ourselves out of it. We figure we have so much on our plate that we have no choice but to put our heads down. Do what needs to be done. There will always be time or perhaps its just for dreamers. But we if we can have a choice”.
Ask yourself…Do you really want to have the option of choice?
Well believe it or not, actually wondering if you have a choice is a choice.
Instead of deflecting to the “ I can’t” mindset very quickly. Stop. Let your mind drift to a new mindset. Why? Well, why not?
We all have choices, and when really it comes down to it, what stops us? Is it the fear of the unknown? Lack of faith in ourselves? Unsureness if we can make it through? Perfection? Fear of achievement? Fear of the cost? The common denominator is questioning one’s self-belief. When I was climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, there wasn’t a single morning that I didn’t wake up without doubt that I would make it through the day. Then each night I sat there with wonder of how I did make it. It was my mindset. I wasn’t going to let my fear stop me. Instead I harnessed it.
Ask yourselves what it costs you to rush kids from one side of the city to the other side, both children needing to be at their activity at the same time but geographically as distant as possible… you with a full bladder, last meal hours behind you and a dying cell phone… and guess what, you do it. And not only that, you are rightfully proud of yourself for accomplishing it. Now I need to ask…How is that easier then climbing a mountain? The truth is, its all about Mindset. Lets sit here for a moment. Mindset. Mindset is a choice, just one that we tend to slip into unconsciously. What if you could consciously master the ability to make choices and follow them through?
Choices are things we do have control over.
Read that line above again.
A positive mindset in place….We do have control over choices and coaching can help you stay in that powerful mindset of choice.